My first Mac OS X Widget..

DevCenter widget in action!

Well… after drooling over the macs at my local mall for a while, I finally got one for myself a little over a year ago.  I was really impressed with mac OS X and especially liked the idea of widgets.

I am a web application developer by profession, and constantly find myself using things like MySQL and Tomcat. I wanted a widget which could easily start/stop these for me, and after a little searching I found one for tomcat but it never worked for me… at this point I wondered if I could make one for myself, and was pleasantly surprised to know that widgets are nothing but mini web-pages built almost completely by html/javascript. So, I began developing one for myself and got it almost working… well, at least the tomcat part works 😉

So, here’s the widget I made… the mysql part seems to have some problem with start and tomcat should work just fine. The widget has a log console too (not fancy).. if anyone is interested in improving it, please feel free to modify it as you wish.

pal 🙂
